HomeDigitalHow To Get The Root Armor In Valheim

How To Get The Root Armor In Valheim

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In a survival game like Valheim, there are a variety of unique weapons and armor to defeat enemies that can help you survive in its tough environment. A notable set is the Root Armor, made from giant ancient tree roots. It provides great protection and some bonuses for players who prefer to fight with a bow and avoid poison damage. We’ll cover that in this guide on how to get root armor in Valheim.

How To Craft The Root Armor In Valheim

In Valheim, you can craft Root Armor by first unlocking its recipe. To do this, you must collect the routes and then use a level 2 workbench to create it by getting the necessary materials. Armor includes Root Harness, Root Leggings and Root Mask and can be crafted with the following resources:

Armor ItemRootsAncient BarksDeer HidesLeather Scraps
Root Harnesk10102–
Root Leggings10102–
Root Mask1010–4

To fully upgrade Root Armor, you’ll need 12 more Roots and 30 Ancient Barks for each part: Root Harness, Root Leggings, and Root Mask.

You can get deer hides by hunting deer and leather scraps by hunting boars. These two swamp biomes are easy to find. Ancient bark is obtained from ancient trees in the swamp biome. The Root is the hardest material to make root armor.

How To Get Roots In Valheim

One of the key materials used to craft Root Armor in Valheim is Roots, which must be collected by defeating the Abomination in the Swamp Biome. However, Abominations can be hard to find and you need to defeat at least 14 Abominations to get enough Root to craft Root Armor. Each abomination drops 5 Roots when defeated and you will need a total of 66 Roots to craft and upgrade the entire Root Armor set.

How To Get The Root Armor In Valheim

In Valheim, defeating the Abomination in the Swamp Biome gives you Ancient Roots. These large tree-like creatures drop roots when defeated, a key ingredient in building root armor. To collect enough roots, you have to hunt and defeat several abominations.

How To Find & Defeat Abominations In Valheim

Abominations in Valheim are large, powerful enemies that you can mostly find in the swamp biome. These large arboreal creatures are often found hiding in swamps, especially near trees and shrubs. You can also summon them using Putrid Meat, which you can collect from defeated swamp creatures.

How to Defeat an Abomination:

1. Use Fire: Abominations are weak to fire. So use fiery weapons like Fire Arrows or Sartling Core Torches to deal with them.

2. Keep Moving: These hideous things attack slowly. Keep moving to suppress them and dodge their swings to avoid damage.

3. Fight at Range: If you fight up close use a bow with fire arrows to fight from a distance.

When you defeat the Abomination, it will drop Roots, which are essential for crafting Root Armor.

Is The Root Armor In Valheim Worth It?

Valheim’s Root Armor is valuable, as Root Armor not only increases Bow skill but is also immune to poison attacks. It provides strong poison resistance and improves bow efficiency, making it ideal for bow users. However, it has less protection than some other armor, so is best suited for poison-heavy areas or extended combat situations.

